Kick off your shoes and stay a while


How can I get them stay and comment? 

This is not only about driving traffic to my blog, but writing content worth commenting about.  My problem is not driving traffic (though I can be better at that) but my lack of comments.  I guess writing more would be a good start.  I take it that readers and fellow bloggers wont be so inclined to come back if I only write once a month. 

Also, are my posts too “common”?  Am I writing on subjects that 1,000,000 other bloggers are writing or have already written about?  Even if that’s the case, how can I be more creative in my approach?  With my Green + Chic blog, its a little dicey since I want to keep the content as accurate as possible, but at the same time, I can put a little more of “me” into my writing.

Blogs I like that addresses those issues are:

There are more in my Blogroll and I’m adding to the list all the time.

So what do you do to keep ’em coming?  What types of posts generate more interest and comments? What is that glue that make them stick?

8 Responses to “Kick off your shoes and stay a while”

  1. Once you produce good content, the best way to get more comments is to visit other blogs that are about the same size as yours and write about similar topics, and make comments on them.

  2. Also, check out this post – it’s by one of my blogging friends Barbara.

  3. I think visiting blogs the same size as mine is a great idea. I tend to visit larger blogs that would generate 200 comments, so I need to find some that are in the same boat as mine (more or less).

  4. Only a very small percentage of visitors comment 😉

  5. Thats so true! I dont always comment myself. 🙂

  6. If you comment a lot on other blogs, the authors will often come and return the favor.

    You can also try ending your posts with a question or an invitation for comments.

    I have a site that makes a lot of money (not on a subject that attracts scads of internet savvy folks) and hardly gets any comments, so comments aren’t necessarily the end-all-be-all of building a site. Still, it is nice to get a little feedback, so I certainly understand where you’re coming from. 🙂

  7. @Lindsay

    Thanks for the advice. I do comment a lot on other blog and I do drive a fair amount of traffic here. Ending posts with a question is a great idea!

  8. With increasing numbers entering an endeavor, the higher the barre is raised. That can be good; higher caliber material filters to the top raising standards and expectations. The problem you run into is fatigue.

    Eco anything is a great example; it’s become very competitive. I am not suggesting you are not committed to the cause, far from it, but the barre is raised. In my case, I’ve been committed to sustainability well before it was fashionable, the mid 1970’s. This brings to mind the issue of audience. Are you trying to attract newcomers to the movement, trying to convince new adherents you are one of them, or as a matter of integrity, are you seeking the approval of those who don’t need to be convinced? Those of us who’ve been around don’t wear our eco credentials on our sleeves; it’s imbued into our daily lives and we rarely preach it. As such, plaintive exhortations to buy one’s way into sustainability fall flat and we avoid those sites. As such, it is with a jaundiced eye we warily question others commitments to the movement.

    Succinctly, I’m eco-fatigued. There are so many green blogs these days that there are few I take seriously. My barre is now, is the blogger a vegetarian? Becoming a vegetarian does more to reduce one’s impact on the environment than going off the grid, driving a hybrid and buying all organic -combined- by an order of magnitude. The thing is, few are willing to make such a profound commitment; they’d rather stock up on twig and berry products and call it good. Anybody with sufficient disposable income can do that. You can’t buy your way into sustainability. The only way to conserve resources is to -conserve. Plunking down your credit card is not a sacrifice. Veritable sustainability is. It’s a matter of values… do you live them or buy them?

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